Crafting a Realistic Workout Routine as a Busy Student

Hi everyone, it's Richard here, founder of RARP-ID Fitness. As an employee and part time student myself, I know how hard it can be to find time for exercise and stay motivated. But working out regularly is so important for both physical and mental health. In this blog post, I'll share some tips for crafting a realistic workout routine that could fit into your schedule as a busy student.

Set Realistic Goals

The first step is to set realistic fitness goals for yourself. Improving your health and fitness levels doesn't happen overnight. Focus on small, achievable goals like working out 3 times per week for 15-30 minutes. Setting the bar too high with unrealistic expectations is a surefire way to get discouraged and give up. Remind yourself that some activity is better than none at all - every little bit counts!

Schedule Workouts in Advance

Treat your workout time like any other important appointment or lecture. Try actually blocking off specific times in your calendar or planner which will be dedicated to exercise. This makes it harder to make excuses later on when that time rolls around. Schedule workout blocks for when you know you'll realistically have free time without interruptions, like early mornings or between lectures.

Planning ahead is key for busy students, so schedule exercise time in advance and stick with it!

Make Efficient Use of Small Time Blocks

Look for small pockets of time in your day that can be dedicated to exercise. For example, wake up 30 minutes early and go for a morning jog before class. Or use a 1-hour break between lectures to hit the gym.

Short workouts that maximize busy time blocks are your friend. Try doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) circuits at home. As little as 10-30 minutes of HIIT can torch calories and build strength when done regularly.

Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and pushups are also time-savers that require zero equipment. Knock out a quick bodyweight circuit in your dorm when you have 10 free minutes. Little bursts of exercise add up over time.

Take Advantage of the Weekends

Weekends tend to be less hectic for most students, as long as you not drinking too much :-)

Take advantage of the extra free time on Saturdays and Sundays to catch up on missed workouts. Schedule longer exercise sessions that you might not have time for during the busy week.

Plan active outings with friends on the weekends too, like hiking, rock climbing, cycling, or playing sports. You'll get both social and fitness benefits.

Find Workout Buddies

Working out with friends makes it so much easier to stay motivated. Plan to meet at the campus gym or go to fitness classes together. You can keep each other accountable and turn exercise into a fun social activity too.

Joining intramural or recreational sports teams on campus is another great way to make fitness fun with others. You'll get coached training and have built-in teammates.

Explore Active Transportation

Look for opportunities to sneak exercise into your regular commute and daily tasks. Walk or bike to campus instead of driving or taking the bus. Take the stairs up to your dorm room instead of the elevator. Even small active lifestyle choices like parking farther away or doing leg lifts while at your desk add up.

Try Online Workouts

When you're crunched for time, online workouts are super convenient. There are tons of free or affordable options out there:

- YouTube workout videos - Tons of free follow-along workout videos of all lengths and types

- Fitness apps like Nike Training Club - Affordable app subscriptions with guided workouts for any schedule

- Virtual classes through gyms - Many offer virtual class packages for a fraction of in-person prices

Streaming workouts on your phone, laptop, or TV allows you to squeeze in exercise anytime. Recommended online resources include Blogilates, Popsugar Fitness, and Daily Burn.

Make Smart Diet Choices

Your diet affects your energy levels and workout performance as much as exercise itself. Make smart food choices that properly fuel your body:

- Meal prep healthy snacks and proteins on Sundays to have ready-to-go options during busy weeks

- Stock up on nutritious (cheap) grab-and-go items like Greek yogurt, eggs, fruits, nuts

- Stay hydrated - carry a water bottle and drink between every class

- Limit empty calorie junk foods - they lead to energy crashes

- Focus on getting enough protein to build/maintain muscle

As fitness guru Jillian Michaels says, “It’s 80 percent diet, 20 percent exercise. You need to take care of what you eat.” So fuel your body properly to get the most out of your workouts.

Listen to Your Body

Remember that rest and recovery days are crucial too. Don't overdo it trying to cram in workouts every single day. This leads to fatigue, lack of motivation, and injury risk.

Aim to take at least 1-2 rest days per week. Use active recovery techniques like light yoga, stretching, foam rolling, or leisurely walks. Listen to signals from your body and take a break when needed.

Staying flexible with your schedule allows for modifications when life gets busy or your body needs a break.

Stick with It

Creating realistic workout goals and plans is key, but you still have to put in the work and stick with your routine to see results. There will inevitably be crazy weeks when your schedule gets disrupted. When that happens, get back on track as soon as you can.

Remember that each workout makes you stronger, healthier, and more energized. The more you exercise, the more it will become a habit you look forward to each day. You’ve got this!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for busy students trying to stay fit! I hope this gives you some ideas for creating workout routines that work with your real-life schedule and maximize your time. Your health is worth making exercise a consistent priority.


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